Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Big Fish in a Moderately-sized Southern City

Daniel Wallace was in town last night for The 2010 Southern Writers Series. My wife and a good friend of mine made it out to the Richland County Public Library for a Reading-Q&A Session-Signing. Daniel read from a novel he just finished writing. It's really a wonderful thing to hear an author speak his own words. You get a better sense of the rhythm and mood when an author reads his work. After reading from his freshly-completed novel, which sounds like it will be fantastic, the floor was opened for questions. The folks who had gathered asked some good questions, and Daniel was ready with good answers.

One of the things he said that really stood out to me was having to do with being a writer. As a writer, he said, you think that it's your job, but really it's not. You write in your free time, between hours at your job and hours with your family. Essentially, and this is my paraphrase, being a writer is what you are, not what you do. On being published, he said that there is really no difference between being published and being unpublished. It only feels different to the one who hasn't been published yet.

After the Q&A session, Daniel went to the back of the room for a signing. I only had a couple things for him to sign. But it was nice to meet him. He's got a very gracious and humble attitude. I boldly asked for, and he graciously gave me, one of the pages from his reading. He inscribed it to my wife and I, and titled and dated it (I would post a picture of it, but I won't feel comfortable with that until the book is published).


  1. That's really cool. In a way he's right, but in another way the published writer is getting paid for it, so there's a little bit more of a difference there. :)

  2. It was great hearing him read! I really hope that book gets published. Its neat that he illustrates and drew pictures on each of the books he signed for us. I appreciated how he seemed to understand humanity when he was talking about developing characters. If you ever have a chance to go hear him, take the opportunity! Ruth
